I almost forgot, last weekend I got the parts I ordered for my new computer. AMD xp 2000+, ASUS A7N8X-X motherboard, 512mb, 1 40g drive, 2 120g drives, ATI Radeon 9200 SE, and a SuperFlower 401 black case. It's replacing my primary computer.
posted by dharh 4:47 PM Jun 30th, 2004 via idt
David Cross is a funny guy. I'm currently reading a book called Cryptonomicon written by Neal Stephenson. This guy is borderline fucking genius or I'm borderline fucking retarded, either way. Anyway he takes these pauses in the book to explain some complex theory like how sex affects clarity of mind such that Cm (clarity of mind) can be designated as a range from 0 ≤ Cm < 1 where Cm = 0 indicates a totally clouded mind and Cm = 1 is an unattainable divine state of infinite intellect. Horniness designated as σ begins at zero at time t = t0 and increases linearly immediately following sex as a function of time such as &sigma a (t - tô) and can only drop back down to zero by having sex or a Manual Override. This function of horniness effect clarity of mind such that the at a critical point in horniness there is a threshold σc when σ > σc it becomes impossible to concentrate. This can be completely described by the limit function:
It's bloody brilliant! The main thrust of the book is about the importance of cryptography through WWII and currently as you can probably tell from the title. Normally I'm not much into quirky community sites but orkut seems relatively decent. It's affiliated with google so it might be an interesting site. The server is a little slow but they got a ton of communities, even one for Fort Collins. posted by dharh 11:10 PM Jun 27th, 2004 via idt
Read some interesting pages about Microsoft over the last week or two. The most telling was How Microsoft Lost the API War which has a theory about the change internally from backwards compatibility. There is some more evidence that this change has become quite pervasive here and here. As someone who believes heartily that backwards compatibility is key to having a large enough software base for good adoption this trend is most telling that Microsoft is going in the wrong direction. Lawrence Lessig posted on his blog an interesting speech Cory Doctorow gave to some people at Microsoft about DRM. Finally, if its to be believed, Transgaming has announced WineX 4.0, named Cedega, which will be able to run Windows games on Linux with very good compatibility and performance.
posted by dharh 11:41 AM Jun 22nd, 2004 via idt
Linkmarks has been completely replaced by sparce. Some various links that were in Linkmarks but not in Sparce have been put into the sections which I thought were applicable.
posted by dharh 7:09 PM Jun 14th, 2004 via idt
As a semi peruser of all things I found this interesting stuff about airships and of course the Zeppelin. I was prompted to look at this because the Zeppelin Flies Again.
I found this article on blogs from Time to be interesting. Of special note was this paragraph:
Those of you that visit slashdot often may have already seen this stuff and find it redundant, but I don't really care, so thbbbt! posted by dharh 4:16 PM Jun 14th, 2004 via idt
For some who care and the rest who don't my birthday was yesterday. Ah, how it feels to be 24... whatever. I've never been much for birthdays even when I was a kid. I never really felt any different. Life is a serious of big and small changes, mostly small changes, usually over long periods of time. So most of the time nothing usually happens on some ritual homage to when you were born, except of course the day you were actually born, except presents and cake. Neither of which I really need to continue on with my life nor know that my friends care about my existence. On the other hand this weekend I may spend a night up with some friends celebrating both my and some of my other friends birthdays which happen to also be in June.
I'm not usually one to read blogs, though one of my friends has, in the tradition of those of us who rarely updates things, a rarely updated blog here, and it seems that lately my site is turning into a blog, however I have been reading a little bit from this blog. How many times can I say the word blog? Thanks please drive through. To put some news that is at least relevant to the web site I have a very rough draft, and I do mean rough, of some stuff I have been working on for my philosophy. posted by dharh 2:18 PM Jun 11th, 2004 via idt
My cold heart has been warmed by a cool island song and thusly there is a new mod to the theme for the web site.
posted by dharh 6:23 PM Jun 7th, 2004 via idt
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