The last two weeks I've been working on bug fixes on the site. Finals went ok.

posted by dharh 1:22 PM May 17th, 2006 via idt

The immigration debate continues to be heated. Many people hit the streets all across the nation protesting the ill will towards immigrants. People have been talking about building a wall. Others have even talked about throwing out the more than 11 million immigrants. Very few seem to be talking about the punishing the companies that hire illegal immigrants and encourage immigrants to come here. Some people are arguing better than others.

I have only a few things to say about this debate. First who cares what language The National Anthem is in, at least they want to hear and understand it. America can never again become an isolated country, it is not healthy. America thrives on new blood. Also the possibility of splitting up families needs to be exempted from any possible immigration reform. The idea that families would be split up is unacceptable. Whatever reform comes of all of this it should be remembered that those illegal immigrants tend to be the most driven and are the kinds of people we want in this country, it is the companies who are the most at fault here.

Another cure for skin cancer.

Is there a possible massive oil field found off the coast of US near New Orleans?

Why are Americans less healthy than this European counterparts? More information about health in America here and here.

posted by dharh 5:09 PM May 2nd, 2006 via idt

The first pocket radio.

posted by dharh 3:36 PM Apr 27th, 2006 via idt

No TWI today. Last couple weeks of classes, spending most my time trying to keep up with work and study for finals.

Plinks and links: Chatology Special Report

posted by dharh 6:59 AM Apr 24th, 2006 via idt

I think this short but sweet message says everything for this last week.

posted by dharh 1:19 PM Apr 16th, 2006 via idt

Very small TWI this week, heh.

Don't like the NSA? You can foil it if you use VOIP. Speaking of things on the net heres another link about the net neutrality front.

That's it.

Notable: Chatology

posted by dharh 2:18 PM Apr 10th, 2006 via idt

It's a massive totally random one this week.

An argument raged last week about the media's coverage of the US occupation of Iraq characterizing it as one sided, showing only the bad things. Some people actually tried to say journalists in Iraq were reporting from their balconies rather than going out on to the ground to report on the good things going on in Iraq. I think this argument is distasteful and call shame on those who are making this argument themselves from the safety of America. These reporters in Iraq who are constantly under threat of death, as is evident from the many reporters who have died in Iraq, are reporting what needs to be reported about Iraq. A school or hospital opening is well and good but when its the backdrop of constant violence which is the most important things to the people in Iraq and people back here in America.

If you have not seen this video you should: mime torn. Also you should see this one too: French Horn Guy. Oh and Ask A Ninja is funny as hell.

It can be hard to grok the open source movement and in particular Richard Stallman but here is a transcript from groklaw of a recent keynote Richard gave about the future of free software.

I smell some bullshit coming from the direction of the FCC. Speaking of stupid things from the FCC, FCC Chief Kevin Martin has come out and sanctioned tiered internet.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's a spy drone!

Am I the only one who thought they knew what caused Asthma? Well I guess they do now. Also apparently hot peppers can kill cancer.

The hugely successful PSOne with 100 million shipped worldwide is produced no more.

While many continue to not recognize global warming the rest of us know it is a real threat. Even NASA acknowledges its effects. While perhaps it does no one any good to talk in such overtones like DOOM, it does no one any good to ignore it and wait for 100% 'evidence' when such will likely be damaging and way too late. Better be safe than sorry and start now to clean ourselves up. We don't have to be smug about it though. Smug can be just as bad as smog.

And yes the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42!

posted by dharh 9:45 PM Apr 2nd, 2006 via idt

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