boxes everywhere!

I hate moving. All my shit's packed, 'cept my computer of course, so I don't have any of my notes I been writing for the site. Cable and Phone companies have been screwing with me for the last two weeks. I've been trying to get them to get everything done so I can get my freaking internet and phones hooked up in time for the move so I can still work. Bloody assholes are running around in circles telling me im not in the system yet so I should call back tomorrow, next day its in the system but they can't get out there yet to turn it on but oh wait its all hooked up but they have to put in another order to flip the switch oh wait your not in the system again. Fuckers.

All my systems are packed up, guess all I can play is EverQuest.

posted by dharh 1:48 PM Apr 6th, 2004

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2005: 12 10 7 6
2004: 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1