12. Extract uppercase words from a file, extract unique words using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.IO; namespace lrn2CSharp12 { class Program { static void Main( string[ ] args ) { string file = ""; string line = ""; string[ ] words; List<string> upperWords = new List<string>( ); List<string> uniqueWords = new List<string>( ); Console.WriteLine( "Input name of a file to read and count words." ); Console.Write( ":" ); try { file = Console.ReadLine( ); FileStream fs = new FileStream( file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( fs ); while ( !sr.EndOfStream ) { line = sr.ReadLine( ); words = null; if ( line.Length != 0 ) words = line.Split( ' ' ); if ( words != null ) { foreach ( string w in words ) { if ( char.IsUpper( w[ 0 ] ) ) upperWords.Add( w ); if ( !uniqueWords.Contains( w ) ) uniqueWords.Add( w ); } } } sr.Close( ); fs.Close( ); } catch { Console.WriteLine( "WTF?!?" ); } Console.WriteLine( "Upper Words:" ); foreach ( string s in upperWords ) { Console.Write( s ); Console.WriteLine( ); } Console.WriteLine( ); Console.WriteLine( "Unique Words:" ); foreach ( string s in uniqueWords ) { Console.Write( s ); Console.WriteLine( ); } Console.WriteLine( ); Console.WriteLine( "Press esc to exit." ); while ( !keyPressHandler( Console.ReadKey( true ) ) ) { Thread.Sleep( 250 ); /* no op */ } } private static Boolean keyPressHandler( ConsoleKeyInfo input ) { if ( input.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape ) return true; return false; } } }

posted by dharh 1:08 AM May 30th, 2011

11. Input is HTML table, Remove all tags and put data in a comma/tab separated file.

Part of this was an exercise in looking up what others have already done.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; namespace lrn2CSharp11 { class Program { static void Main( string[ ] args ) { string file = ""; string html = ""; DataSet ds = null; StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder( ); Console.WriteLine( "Input name of a file with an HTML table in the current directory to convert to csv." ); Console.Write( ":" ); try { file = Console.ReadLine( ); FileStream fs = new FileStream( file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( fs ); html = sr.ReadToEnd( ); sr.Close( ); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( fs.Name + ".csv" ); ds = ConvertHTMLTablesToDataSet( html ); if ( ds != null ) { foreach ( DataTable dtc in ds.Tables ) { int iColCount = dtc.Columns.Count; for ( int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++ ) { sw.Write( dtc.Columns[ i ] ); if ( i < iColCount - 1 ) { sw.Write( "," ); } } sw.WriteLine( ); foreach ( DataRow dr in dtc.Rows ) { for ( int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++ ) { if ( !Convert.IsDBNull( dr[ i ] ) ) { sw.Write( dr[ i ].ToString( ) ); } if ( i < iColCount - 1 ) { sw.Write( "," ); } } sw.WriteLine( ); } sw.WriteLine( ); } } sw.Close( ); fs.Close( ); } catch { Console.WriteLine( "WTF?!?" ); } Console.WriteLine( "Press esc to exit." ); while ( !keyPressHandler( Console.ReadKey( true ) ) ) { Thread.Sleep( 250 ); /* no op */ } } private static Boolean keyPressHandler( ConsoleKeyInfo input ) { if ( input.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape ) return true; return false; } private static DataSet ConvertHTMLTablesToDataSet( string HTML ) { DataTable dt; DataSet ds = new DataSet( ); dt = new DataTable( ); string TableExpression = "<table[^>]*>(.*?)</table>"; string HeaderExpression = "<th[^>]*>(.*?)</th>"; string RowExpression = "<tr[^>]*>(.*?)</tr>"; string ColumnExpression = "<td[^>]*>(.*?)</td>"; bool HeadersExist = false; int iCurrentColumn = 0; int iCurrentRow = 0; MatchCollection Tables = Regex.Matches( HTML, TableExpression, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); foreach ( Match Table in Tables ) { iCurrentRow = 0; HeadersExist = false; dt = new DataTable( ); if ( Table.Value.Contains( "<th" ) ) { HeadersExist = true; MatchCollection Headers = Regex.Matches( Table.Value, HeaderExpression, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); foreach ( Match Header in Headers ) { dt.Columns.Add( Header.Groups[ 1 ].ToString( ) ); } } else { int columns = Regex.Matches( Regex.Matches( Regex.Matches( Table.Value, TableExpression, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase )[ 0 ].ToString( ), RowExpression, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase )[ 0 ].ToString( ), ColumnExpression, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ).Count; for ( int iColumns = 1; iColumns <= columns; iColumns++ ) { dt.Columns.Add( "Column " + System.Convert.ToString( iColumns ) ); } } MatchCollection Rows = Regex.Matches( Table.Value, RowExpression, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); foreach ( Match Row in Rows ) { if ( !( ( iCurrentRow == 0 ) & HeadersExist ) ) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow( ); iCurrentColumn = 0; MatchCollection Columns = Regex.Matches( Row.Value, ColumnExpression, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); foreach ( Match Column in Columns ) { dr[ iCurrentColumn ] = Column.Groups[ 1 ].ToString( ); iCurrentColumn++; } dt.Rows.Add( dr ); } iCurrentRow++; } ds.Tables.Add( dt ); } return ds; } } }

posted by dharh 11:42 PM May 29th, 2011

10. Create files with date and time stamp appended to the name

Note: Windows does not like ':' in file names. Also I made this extension friendly so it doesn't just add a date time stamp at the end of an html file for example and instead puts the stamp just before the '.'

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace lrn2CSharp10 { class Program { static void Main( string[ ] args ) { string fileName = ""; string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString( "MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm-ss" ); Console.WriteLine( "Input name of new file in the current directory to create (it will have the current date appended to it)." ); Console.Write( ":" ); try { fileName = Console.ReadLine( ); if ( fileName.Contains( '.' ) ) { string scope = fileName.Split( '.' ).Last( ).ToLower( ); fileName = fileName.Replace( "." + scope, "_" + timestamp + "." + scope ); } else { fileName += "_" + timestamp; } FileStream fs = new FileStream( fileName, FileMode.Create ); fs.Close( ); } catch { Console.WriteLine( "WTF?!?" ); } } } }

posted by dharh 3:20 PM Sep 30th, 2010

9. Time and Date : Get system time and convert it in different formats 'DD-MON-YYYY', 'mm-dd-yyyy', 'dd/mm/yy' etc. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace lrn2csharp9 { class Program { static void Main( string[ ] args ) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine( "Today's date is: " + now.ToString( "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss" ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Also: " + now.ToString( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) ); Console.WriteLine( "And: " + now.ToString( "MM-d-yyyy" ) ); Console.WriteLine( "One more thing: " + now.ToString( "d/MM/yy" ) ); } } }

posted by dharh 3:03 PM Sep 30th, 2010

8. Open a text file and convert it into HTML file. (File operations/Strings) using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace lrn2csharp8 { class Program { static void Main( string[ ] args ) { string file = ""; string html = "<html><head><title></title></head><body>{0}</body></htm>"; string textFile = ""; Console.WriteLine( "Input name of a file in the current directory to convert into an HTML document." ); Console.Write( ":" ); try { file = Console.ReadLine( ); FileStream fs = new FileStream( file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( fs ); while(!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine( ); if ( line.Length != 0 ) textFile += "<p>" + line + "</p>"; } sr.Close( ); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( fs.Name + ".html" ); sw.Write( string.Format( html, textFile ) ); sw.Close( ); fs.Close( ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Console.WriteLine( "WTF?!?" ); } } } }

posted by dharh 2:14 AM Jan 30th, 2010

7. Printing output in different formats (say rounding up to 5 decimal places, truncating after 4 decimal places, padding zeros to the right and left, right and left justification)(Input output operations) using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace lrn2CSharp7 { class Program { static void Main( string[ ] args ) { double theNumber; Console.WriteLine( "Input a number to be formatted" ); Console.Write( ":" ); try { theNumber = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine( ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Original number: {0}", theNumber ); Console.WriteLine( "Rounded up to the 5th decimal place: {0}", Math.Round( theNumber, 5 ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Truncating after the 4th decimal place: {0}", Decimal.Truncate( Convert.ToDecimal( theNumber * 10000 ) ) / 10000 ); Console.WriteLine( "Padding 7 zeroes on each side: {0}", String.Format( "{0:0000000.0000000}", theNumber ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Here is a box with 20 spaces: | |" ); Console.WriteLine( "Here is the number left justified: |{0,-20}|", theNumber ); Console.WriteLine( "Here is the number right justified: |{0,20}|", theNumber ); } catch ( FormatException fe ) { Console.WriteLine( "You did not enter a valid number fool." ); } Console.WriteLine( "Press esc to exit." ); while ( !keyPressHandler( Console.ReadKey( true ) ) ) { Thread.Sleep( 250 ); /* no op */ } } protected static Boolean keyPressHandler( ConsoleKeyInfo input ) { if ( input.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape ) return true; return false; } } }

posted by dharh 9:56 PM Dec 5th, 2009

6. Scientific calculator supporting addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square-root, square, cube, sin, cos, tan, Factorial, inverse, modulus

This is a fairly simple implementation of a console calculator. It only takes 2 number expressions ( ex: 1 + 1 ) as well as / commands for most other functions, except factorial ( n! ). Very little error checking is being done. All sorts of invalid inputs will cause this to throw exceptions.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace lrn2csharp6_console { class Program { private static String Version = "0.0"; static void Main( string[ ] args ) { Console.WriteLine( "neSP: Calc v" + Version ); Console.WriteLine( "---------------------------------" ); Console.WriteLine( "Enter Command. ( example: /help )" ); int end = 0; while ( end == 0 ) { String exp = ""; Console.Write( ":" ); try { exp = Console.ReadLine( ); } catch ( InvalidOperationException ) { Console.WriteLine( "Not a valid command." ); exp = ""; } if ( exp.Length == 0 ) { // empty command } else if ( exp.ToCharArray( ).First( ) == '/' ) { if ( exp.Split( ' ' ).ToString( )[ 0 ].Equals( "/help" ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "You are being helped:" ); Console.WriteLine( "/help - bring up this help system." ); Console.WriteLine( "/quit or /q - quit program." ); Console.WriteLine( "/prime n - generate prime numbers from 2 to n." ); Console.WriteLine( "/factor numerator/denominator - factors fraction." ); Console.WriteLine( "/sqrt n - finds the square root of n." ); Console.WriteLine( "/cbrt n - finds the cube root of n." ); Console.WriteLine( "/sin n - finds sine of n." ); Console.WriteLine( "/cos n - finds cosine of n." ); Console.WriteLine( "/tan n - finds tangent of n." ); Console.WriteLine( "/inv numerator/denominator - finds inverse of fraction." ); Console.WriteLine( "n! - finds factorial of n." ); } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/quit" ) || exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/q" ) ) { end = 1; } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/primes" ) ) { Console.Write( "primes:" ); prime( Convert.ToInt32( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ); Console.WriteLine( ); } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/factor" ) ) { } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/sqrt" ) ) { Console.WriteLine( Math.Sqrt( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) ); } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/cbrt" ) ) { double power = 1.0 / 3.0; Console.WriteLine( Math.Pow( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ), power ) ); } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/sin" ) ) { Console.WriteLine( Math.Sin( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) ); } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/cos" ) ) { Console.WriteLine( Math.Cos( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) ); } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/tan" ) ) { Console.WriteLine( Math.Tan( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) ); } else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/inv" ) ) { String fraction = exp.Replace( "/inv ", "" ); double numer = Convert.ToDouble( fraction.Split( '/' )[ 0 ] ); double denom = Convert.ToDouble( fraction.Split( '/' )[ 1 ] ); Console.WriteLine( denom / numer ); } else { Console.WriteLine( "Invalid command ( " + exp + " ) supplied." ); } } else if ( exp.Contains( '!' ) ) { int f = Convert.ToInt32( exp.Split( '!' )[ 0 ] ); Console.WriteLine( f ); int total = 1; for ( int i = 0; i < f; i++ ) { total = total * ( i + 1 ); } Console.WriteLine( total ); } else { calc( exp ); } } } static void calc( String expression ) { String[ ] stack = expression.Split( ' ' ); Console.WriteLine( doCalc( Convert.ToDouble( stack[ 0 ] ), Convert.ToChar( stack[ 1 ] ), Convert.ToDouble( stack[ 2 ] ) ) ); } static double doCalc( double left, char theOperator, double right ) { double total = 0.0; if ( theOperator == '+' ) { total = add( left, right ); } else if ( theOperator == '-' ) { total = subtract( left, right ); } else if ( theOperator == '*' ) { total = multiply( left, right ); } else if ( theOperator == '/' ) { total = divide( left, right ); } else if ( theOperator == '^' ) { total = Math.Pow( left, right ); } else if ( theOperator == '%' ) { total = mod( Convert.ToInt32( left ), Convert.ToInt32( right ) ); } return total; } static double add( double num, double num2 ) { return ( num + num2 ); } static double subtract( double num, double num2 ) { return ( num - num2 ); } static double multiply( double num, double num2 ) { return ( num * num2 ); } static double divide( double num, double num2 ) { if ( num2 == 0 ) { Console.WriteLine( "ERROR: Division by zero." ); return num; } else { return ( num / num2 ); } } static int mod( int num, int num2 ) { return ( num % num2 ); } static void prime( int num ) { int count = 0; for ( int _i = 2; _i < num; _i++ ) { if ( !isPrime( _i ) ) { if ( ( count % 10 ) == 0 ) Console.WriteLine( ); Console.Write( " {0,6}", _i ); count++; } } } static bool isPrime( int num ) { bool notPrime = false; for ( int k = num - 1; k > 1 && !notPrime; k-- ) { if ( num % k == 0 ) notPrime = true; } return notPrime; } } }

posted by dharh 8:46 PM Nov 29th, 2009

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