Hey, looks like its time to resurrect MLP posts! This MLP post is brought to you by the recent stock market turmoil.

PayPal finally may have some competition from new comer noca.

Do you think you're a Software Engineer? According to one man hacker Ravi Mohan, your probably really a ratcatcher. I have to agree with Steve over here though. If you're a programmer, you probably don't know how compilers work.

If you like Apple's new MacBook Air but dont have the budget for it perhaps you would be interested in the cheeper Asus Eee PC solution and upgrade it yourself.

I finally bought Rock Band, even though I only got the PS2 (PS3 compatible though!) version. It certainly brings back memories of my drummer days. Check out this cool program that will allow the drum pads to work with your PC.

posted by dharh 11:19 AM Jan 24th, 2008

If you are concerned about the genocide in Darfur and like John Lennon's music perhaps you would like to get the new album Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur, which reprises John Lennon's music played by many various artists.

Either get the CD, even though I've suggested before people shouldn't buy CDs anymore, or download from online stores like iTunes.

posted by dharh 8:06 PM Jun 15th, 2007

Today saw a some interesting papers about DRM and piracy on the internets. First, Bennett Lincoff, an IP law attorney released an open letter to Steve Jobs and the RIAA in a sort of response to the open letter Steve Jobs released last week. Second, a study reported by ars technica found that the effect P2P networks have on legal music sales are "not statistically distinguishable from zero".

posted by dharh 9:15 AM Feb 12th, 2007

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