I have been working on, in the last couple weeks, a Java based version of the todo app I created a year ago in Cold Fusion. So far it is still in initial proto phase, i.e. I'm still hobbling together code just so a user can login and see a list of items from their todo list. It is an open source project as soon as im satisfied with a beta version I'll release the source.

posted by dharh 3:27 PM Jul 16th, 2005

London was attacked today, 4 bombs went off semi-simultaneously in 3 subway stations and a double decker bus. Al-Qaeda seem to have claimed responsibility for the attacks. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.

posted by dharh 5:32 PM Jul 7th, 2005

US Flag Happy 4th of July America. NASA decided to join in the fireworks today by smashing a satalite into a comet.

posted by dharh 7:35 PM Jul 4th, 2005

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