If you want a laugh then listen to this NPR commentary by Scott Cleland against Net Neutrality. His idiocy will astound you. If that doesn't convince you to support Net Neutrality then listen to Craig Newmark's counter commentary.

posted by dharh 8:01 PM Jun 23rd, 2006 via idt

So I went out to buy a Nintendo DS Lite along with the game Brain Age. So far it has been a great addition to my daily routine. I do a sudoku in the morning, my usual one from google ig, and when I come home from work I do the daily training from Brain Age and sometimes an additional sudoku from the game as well. I like it much better than the random things I was doing before to keep my brain active and it seems to be much more effective. I no longer feel as sluggish most days.

Plus the other games I have for the NDS are awesome fun as well. Good job Nintendo.

posted by dharh 11:17 AM Jun 22nd, 2006 via idt

BitTorrent's Bram Cohen is all for a two tiered internet? Wow he's nuts. Also some good posts at slashdot of the same article.

posted by dharh 4:44 PM Jun 1st, 2006 via idt

I saw this interesting article at engadget about how to build your own network firewall from an old pentium II with linux.

posted by dharh 10:46 AM May 31st, 2006 via idt

Here's three more interesting links on energy. This one talks about the myths and realities of ethanol suggesting it may not be all its hyped to be. This other one is sort of a propaganda commercial for using coal but is still interesting as we should definitely diversify our use of any resource for energy. Of course this post wouldn't be complete without a link talking about peak oil.

posted by dharh 10:12 AM May 22nd, 2006 via idt

This is just cool. This guy makes a trackpad with red LED lights.

posted by dharh 9:57 AM May 22nd, 2006 via idt

I have a huge interest in the energy technology sector. Especially with the recent increase in costs for gas and other energy. Here are a couple links to look at if your interested. Hydrogen from Biomass, Crunching the numbers on alternative fuels, The Car of the Future.

posted by dharh 3:19 PM May 19th, 2006 via idt

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