Drink from a cup of joy

As I do nearly every weekend I went and saw a movie, this weekend I saw "What the bleep do we know?", which was an interesting documentary about quantum physics. There were two main parts to it, the story and the documentary, both revolving around the central theme of quantum physics and how we are effected at the very small quanta levels. One of the more interesting things I brought out of the movie was the idea that we can tell ourselves to have positive thoughts but instead what we get is a very thin line or layer of positive thought surrounded with our normal negative thoughts or feelings. Leading us to think we've pushed the negative away when really we have not. Another interesting idea, which Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto experimented with, that water can be affected by human thought, vibration, words, and music by different crystals forming such as with thoughts like love and hate. I leave you to follow the links to research on your own for now.

posted by dharh 11:54 AM Oct 11th, 2004

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