Hey, looks like its time to resurrect MLP posts! This MLP post is brought to you by the recent stock market turmoil.

PayPal finally may have some competition from new comer noca.

Do you think you're a Software Engineer? According to one man hacker Ravi Mohan, your probably really a ratcatcher. I have to agree with Steve over here though. If you're a programmer, you probably don't know how compilers work.

If you like Apple's new MacBook Air but dont have the budget for it perhaps you would be interested in the cheeper Asus Eee PC solution and upgrade it yourself.

I finally bought Rock Band, even though I only got the PS2 (PS3 compatible though!) version. It certainly brings back memories of my drummer days. Check out this cool program that will allow the drum pads to work with your PC.

posted by dharh 11:19 AM Jan 24th, 2008

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I bought a Wii. Being the gamer I am, less hard core now then in years past, I always feel obligated to get a next generation of some console.

I purchased only one game with it, Twilight Princess, and it does indeed produce fun. The game brings me back to the days of Link to the Past, which seems to be the foundation of this game, even if the story elements are essentially completely different.

The comparison is not exactly apt but it will do. If you watch for it you are given hints that the Zelda and Link characters and story are replayed throughout time in this world, this is but one of those stories.

I thoroughly enjoy the new controller mechanics and can't wait for Super Paper Mario. I will indeed eventually purchase a "true" next gen console, that being the 360, however that can wait until a price drop and Halo 3.

posted by dharh 10:56 AM Mar 6th, 2007

Alright, so the story mainly talks about how the Nintendo Wii beat the pants off the PS3 and Xbox 360, but they noted that the PS2 also beat both the PS3 and Xbox 360. Hah take that Sony! Er wait...

posted by dharh 12:34 PM Feb 22nd, 2007

So I went out to buy a Nintendo DS Lite along with the game Brain Age. So far it has been a great addition to my daily routine. I do a sudoku in the morning, my usual one from google ig, and when I come home from work I do the daily training from Brain Age and sometimes an additional sudoku from the game as well. I like it much better than the random things I was doing before to keep my brain active and it seems to be much more effective. I no longer feel as sluggish most days.

Plus the other games I have for the NDS are awesome fun as well. Good job Nintendo.

posted by dharh 11:17 AM Jun 22nd, 2006

Read some interesting pages about Microsoft over the last week or two. The most telling was How Microsoft Lost the API War which has a theory about the change internally from backwards compatibility. There is some more evidence that this change has become quite pervasive here and here. As someone who believes heartily that backwards compatibility is key to having a large enough software base for good adoption this trend is most telling that Microsoft is going in the wrong direction. Lawrence Lessig posted on his blog an interesting speech Cory Doctorow gave to some people at Microsoft about DRM. Finally, if its to be believed, Transgaming has announced WineX 4.0, named Cedega, which will be able to run Windows games on Linux with very good compatibility and performance.

posted by dharh 11:41 AM Jun 22nd, 2004

I hate moving. All my shit's packed, 'cept my computer of course, so I don't have any of my notes I been writing for the site. Cable and Phone companies have been screwing with me for the last two weeks. I've been trying to get them to get everything done so I can get my freaking internet and phones hooked up in time for the move so I can still work. Bloody assholes are running around in circles telling me im not in the system yet so I should call back tomorrow, next day its in the system but they can't get out there yet to turn it on but oh wait its all hooked up but they have to put in another order to flip the switch oh wait your not in the system again. Fuckers.

All my systems are packed up, guess all I can play is EverQuest.

posted by dharh 1:48 PM Apr 6th, 2004

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