things that make you go wheee

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I bought a Wii. Being the gamer I am, less hard core now then in years past, I always feel obligated to get a next generation of some console.

I purchased only one game with it, Twilight Princess, and it does indeed produce fun. The game brings me back to the days of Link to the Past, which seems to be the foundation of this game, even if the story elements are essentially completely different.

The comparison is not exactly apt but it will do. If you watch for it you are given hints that the Zelda and Link characters and story are replayed throughout time in this world, this is but one of those stories.

I thoroughly enjoy the new controller mechanics and can't wait for Super Paper Mario. I will indeed eventually purchase a "true" next gen console, that being the 360, however that can wait until a price drop and Halo 3.

posted by dharh 10:56 AM Mar 6th, 2007

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