Looks like General Motors is getting back into the clean car game with their serial hybrid car.

posted by dharh 10:09 AM Nov 20th, 2006

Aside from the news that Mozilla finally released Firefox 2 miss lifehack found a cool extension called tiny menu which makes the menu hack I did a while back not necessary.

posted by dharh 5:57 PM Oct 24th, 2006

posted by dharh 9:55 PM Oct 19th, 2006

The nature of science and its ties to philosophy and history.

With philosophy we ask many questions of existence. Using science as one of the tools of philosophy we delve into the workings of our Universe trying to find answers to some of those questions. Specifically those answers dealing with the workings of the physical Universe. In searching for a better understanding how the Universe works we gain more knowledge of it. It is this knowledge that we use that gives us what we have today. Without Science we would not understand how electricity works. This in itself would make many things we have in the world unable to exist. Such things as cars, computers, lights, or TV. The miracle of this technology comes from our understanding of the laws of the Universe. With it we can cured diseases, save lives, and go into space. We could not do this without the scientists who have spent their lives in laboratories testing and researching.

However, even with the many wonders science gives us it also has a downside. Being human as we are we can miss use science. Science can just as easily lead to lives lost as lives saved. Sometimes this is unavoidable by accident, but sometimes people purposely miss use it. One need only look into our history to see some of these accidents and blatant missuses. Only through wisdom and vigilance can we prevent either.

There are many areas of science such as geology, biology, chemistry, and physics. Each of the fields in science are deep with many things to learn, people spend their entire lives focusing on one subject.

posted by dharh 9:49 PM Oct 19th, 2006

Hah. Looks like it was true. Google just acquired YouTube.

posted by dharh 4:30 PM Oct 9th, 2006

It's been a while since I updated my full list of books so I decided to remove the list and just keep what you see below which is a small subset of that list.

Most Recently Bought - Most Recently Read

Currently Reading
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

Most Recently Bought

  • Carlin, George
    • Braindroppings
  • Diamond, Jared
    • Guns, Germs, and Steel
  • Lessig, Lawrence
    • The Future of Ideas
    • Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
    • Free Culture
  • McWilliams, Peter
    • Life 101
  • Ratti, Oscar (Westbrook, Adele)
    • Secrets of the Samurai
  • Shapero, Rich
    • Wild Animus
  • Stephenson, Neal
    • The System of the World
  • Stover, Matthew
    • Star Wars Episode III: Revent of the Sith
  • Vaidhyanathan, Siva
    • The Anarchist in the Library
  • Watts, Duncan J.
    • Six Degrees

    Most Recently Read

  • David McCullough
  • Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan
    • The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God
  • Adams, Douglas
    • The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
  • Bryson, Bill
    • A Short History of Nearly Everything
  • Jones, Steve
    • Darwin's Ghost: The Origin of Species Updated
  • Shermer, Michael
    • The Science of Good and Evil
  • Thomas L. Friedman

posted by dharh 11:13 PM Oct 6th, 2006

Life is interesting. I will always be amazed with life no matter how old I get. Life holds so many questions one hardly even figures out all the questions let alone all the answers. The more answers you get the more questions you have. Of course this has never stopped us from trying to get the answers. In fact many peoples lives revolve around getting answers one way or another.

Even worse are the questions of the universe and existence itself. It's hard enough trying to figure out the questions of our life and our planet but add in the question of Life, the Universe, and Everything it starts to get a little too big. Still that doesn't seem to stop people from trying either, even myself.

Being that there are so many questions one may ask why not just forget about it. No one could possibly hope to answer all the questions. Why not blissfully turn the cold shoulder and just live life without asking questions? You might as well try not to breath. Asking questions is part of what makes us sentient. People need to ask questions, if not to figure out the whole picture, then to maybe figure out their little part of the great big vast universe. To better understand their immediate surroundings.

By understanding ourselves and our surroundings, however small they may be compared to all that is out there, we have come to where we are today. We have learned to adapt to our surroundings and even grasp what was before beyond our reach. It does seem pretty much impossible to know everything about life and the universe. But by focusing on single subjects of interest people have throughout the ages made breakthroughs in those areas. From such things as electricity to aerodynamics and computers to cars. None of this would be here if we hadn't asked those questions of why the world works and worked together to answer them.

Questions I want answers to

  1. Why do we have sneakers with lights in them?
  2. Why do we have scented toilet paper?
  3. Why do we have handicapped parking in front of the skate center?
  4. Why do we call it politics when the Latin the word Poli means many, and a tic is a blood sucking creature?
  5. Why do we hate violent video games but violent news is ok?
  6. Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?
  7. Why is man who invests all your money called a broker?
  8. Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
  9. If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
  10. Why do so many people think happiness depends on the pushing around of little green pieces of paper?
  11. Why does my cat purr when he's biting me?

posted by dharh 11:02 PM Oct 6th, 2006

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