Chrome Extensions are here! Since Chrome became my main browser there's one thing I've missed the most and thats the extensive extension library on Firefox. Now that we finally have extensions here's a short list of the ones I am using so far:
That's it for now. I'll add more as I find good ones. posted by dharh 2:40 PM Dec 8th, 2009
7. Printing output in different formats (say rounding up to 5 decimal places, truncating after 4 decimal places, padding zeros to the right and left, right and left justification)(Input output operations)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace lrn2CSharp7
class Program
static void Main( string[ ] args )
double theNumber;
Console.WriteLine( "Input a number to be formatted" );
Console.Write( ":" );
theNumber = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine( ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Original number: {0}", theNumber );
Console.WriteLine( "Rounded up to the 5th decimal place: {0}", Math.Round( theNumber, 5 ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Truncating after the 4th decimal place: {0}", Decimal.Truncate( Convert.ToDecimal( theNumber * 10000 ) ) / 10000 );
Console.WriteLine( "Padding 7 zeroes on each side: {0}", String.Format( "{0:0000000.0000000}", theNumber ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Here is a box with 20 spaces: | |" );
Console.WriteLine( "Here is the number left justified: |{0,-20}|", theNumber );
Console.WriteLine( "Here is the number right justified: |{0,20}|", theNumber );
catch ( FormatException fe )
Console.WriteLine( "You did not enter a valid number fool." );
Console.WriteLine( "Press esc to exit." );
while ( !keyPressHandler( Console.ReadKey( true ) ) )
Thread.Sleep( 250 );
/* no op */
protected static Boolean keyPressHandler( ConsoleKeyInfo input )
if ( input.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape )
return true;
return false;
posted by dharh 9:56 PM Dec 5th, 2009
After a really long development time (too long, with 6 months where I didn't even touch the code), neThing v0.7 has been completed and released. You can view the changelog to see the changes.
posted by dharh 5:23 PM Dec 4th, 2009
In the interest of simplicity I've started work on simplifying the site. After almost two years working with the split dichotomy of article and blog posts I've come to the realization that it is stupid.
First, because this precludes the notion I've had for a while that neThing is meant to be a gateway of streams, where multiple sources, including the stuff generated from the site itself, feed the postMonster (the backend that handles these things). Two, because its too complicated. What makes a blog post different than an article post? In reality nothing except a few bits than can be more than handled with a checkbox or two when creating a post. So, now all posts are posts. They are still identified by where they originated from, such as Twitter, but otherwise blog posts are now fully converted into articles. Which means they have wiki discussion pages and histories. As far as the wiki bot is concerned it is an article and thus can be linked as such by name. Conflicts will arise and thus it will behoove me, and anyone else using neThing in the future, to mark master posts when multiple of them have the same name. The other posts would then use their POSTID as their permalink. Also notice that the left slider menu is gone. Replaced by two much simpler archive boxes on the right side above the twitter panel. There is also an Archive page that can be accessed using the IDT logo menu up top. The first archive box is simple, it displays years, and then gives links to the months that had posts. The second archive box is a cloud of most tags. That's all for now. posted by dharh 5:16 PM Dec 2nd, 2009
6. Scientific calculator supporting addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square-root, square, cube, sin, cos, tan, Factorial, inverse, modulus
This is a fairly simple implementation of a console calculator. It only takes 2 number expressions ( ex: 1 + 1 ) as well as / commands for most other functions, except factorial ( n! ). Very little error checking is being done. All sorts of invalid inputs will cause this to throw exceptions. using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace lrn2csharp6_console
class Program
private static String Version = "0.0";
static void Main( string[ ] args )
Console.WriteLine( "neSP: Calc v" + Version );
Console.WriteLine( "---------------------------------" );
Console.WriteLine( "Enter Command. ( example: /help )" );
int end = 0;
while ( end == 0 )
String exp = "";
Console.Write( ":" );
exp = Console.ReadLine( );
catch ( InvalidOperationException )
Console.WriteLine( "Not a valid command." );
exp = "";
if ( exp.Length == 0 )
// empty command
else if ( exp.ToCharArray( ).First( ) == '/' )
if ( exp.Split( ' ' ).ToString( )[ 0 ].Equals( "/help" ) )
Console.WriteLine( "You are being helped:" );
Console.WriteLine( "/help - bring up this help system." );
Console.WriteLine( "/quit or /q - quit program." );
Console.WriteLine( "/prime n - generate prime numbers from 2 to n." );
Console.WriteLine( "/factor numerator/denominator - factors fraction." );
Console.WriteLine( "/sqrt n - finds the square root of n." );
Console.WriteLine( "/cbrt n - finds the cube root of n." );
Console.WriteLine( "/sin n - finds sine of n." );
Console.WriteLine( "/cos n - finds cosine of n." );
Console.WriteLine( "/tan n - finds tangent of n." );
Console.WriteLine( "/inv numerator/denominator - finds inverse of fraction." );
Console.WriteLine( "n! - finds factorial of n." );
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/quit" ) || exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/q" ) )
end = 1;
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/primes" ) )
Console.Write( "primes:" );
prime( Convert.ToInt32( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) );
Console.WriteLine( );
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/factor" ) )
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/sqrt" ) )
Console.WriteLine( Math.Sqrt( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) );
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/cbrt" ) )
double power = 1.0 / 3.0;
Console.WriteLine( Math.Pow( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ), power ) );
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/sin" ) )
Console.WriteLine( Math.Sin( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) );
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/cos" ) )
Console.WriteLine( Math.Cos( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) );
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/tan" ) )
Console.WriteLine( Math.Tan( Convert.ToDouble( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 1 ] ) ) );
else if ( exp.Split( ' ' )[ 0 ].Equals( "/inv" ) )
String fraction = exp.Replace( "/inv ", "" );
double numer = Convert.ToDouble( fraction.Split( '/' )[ 0 ] );
double denom = Convert.ToDouble( fraction.Split( '/' )[ 1 ] );
Console.WriteLine( denom / numer );
Console.WriteLine( "Invalid command ( " + exp + " ) supplied." );
else if ( exp.Contains( '!' ) )
int f = Convert.ToInt32( exp.Split( '!' )[ 0 ] );
Console.WriteLine( f );
int total = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < f; i++ )
total = total * ( i + 1 );
Console.WriteLine( total );
calc( exp );
static void calc( String expression )
String[ ] stack = expression.Split( ' ' );
Console.WriteLine( doCalc( Convert.ToDouble( stack[ 0 ] ), Convert.ToChar( stack[ 1 ] ), Convert.ToDouble( stack[ 2 ] ) ) );
static double doCalc( double left, char theOperator, double right )
double total = 0.0;
if ( theOperator == '+' )
total = add( left, right );
else if ( theOperator == '-' )
total = subtract( left, right );
else if ( theOperator == '*' )
total = multiply( left, right );
else if ( theOperator == '/' )
total = divide( left, right );
else if ( theOperator == '^' )
total = Math.Pow( left, right );
else if ( theOperator == '%' )
total = mod( Convert.ToInt32( left ), Convert.ToInt32( right ) );
return total;
static double add( double num, double num2 )
return ( num + num2 );
static double subtract( double num, double num2 )
return ( num - num2 );
static double multiply( double num, double num2 )
return ( num * num2 );
static double divide( double num, double num2 )
if ( num2 == 0 )
Console.WriteLine( "ERROR: Division by zero." );
return num;
return ( num / num2 );
static int mod( int num, int num2 )
return ( num % num2 );
static void prime( int num )
int count = 0;
for ( int _i = 2; _i < num; _i++ )
if ( !isPrime( _i ) )
if ( ( count % 10 ) == 0 ) Console.WriteLine( );
Console.Write( " {0,6}", _i );
static bool isPrime( int num )
bool notPrime = false;
for ( int k = num - 1; k > 1 && !notPrime; k-- )
if ( num % k == 0 ) notPrime = true;
return notPrime;
posted by dharh 8:46 PM Nov 29th, 2009
4. Reynolds number is calculated using formula (D*v*rho)/mu Where D = Diameter, V= velocity, rho = density mu = viscosity Write a program that will accept all values in appropriate units (Don't worry about unit conversion) If number is < 2100, display Laminar flow, If it's between 2100 and 4000 display 'Transient flow' and if more than '4000', display 'Turbulent Flow' (If, else, then...)
5. Modify the above program such that it will ask for 'Do you want to calculate again (y/n), if you say 'y', it'll again ask the parameters. If 'n', it'll exit. (Do while loop) While running the program give value mu = 0. See what happens. Does it give 'DIVIDE BY ZERO' error? Does it give 'Segmentation fault..core dump?'. How to handle this situation. Is there something built in the language itself? (Exception Handling) using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace lrn2csharp4_5
class Program
static void Main( string[ ] args )
char answer = 'y';
Console.WriteLine( "Today we are going to calculate Reynolds Number (D*v*rho)/mu" );
while ( answer.Equals( 'y' ) )
calcReynolds( );
catch ( System.DivideByZeroException dbze )
Console.WriteLine( dbze.Message );
Console.Write( "Do you want to calculate again (y/n): " );
answer = Convert.ToChar( Console.ReadLine( ) );
catch ( System.FormatException )
answer = 'n';
static void calcReynolds( )
Console.Write( "Enter Diameter: " );
double d = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine( ) );
Console.Write( "Enter Velocity: " );
double v = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine( ) );
Console.Write( "Enter Density: " );
double rho = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine( ) );
Console.Write( "Enter Viscosity: " );
double mu = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine( ) );
// C# actually handles divide by zero well and wont throw an exception automatically, so do it manually
if ( mu.Equals( 0 ) )
throw new System.DivideByZeroException( "Cannot divide by zero. Viscosity was zero. You erred." );
double reynolds = ( d * v * rho ) / mu;
if ( reynolds < 2100 )
Console.WriteLine( "Laminar flow (" + reynolds + ")" );
else if ( reynolds >= 2100 && reynolds <= 4000 )
Console.WriteLine( "Transient flow (" + reynolds + ")" );
Console.WriteLine( "Turbulent flow (" + reynolds + ")" );
posted by dharh 3:01 AM Nov 29th, 2009
3. Accepting series of numbers, strings from keyboard and sorting them ascending, descending order.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace lrn2CSharp3
class Program
static void Main( string[ ] args )
Console.Write( "Please enter the number of items you wish to enter: " );
int num_item = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine( ) );
int[ ] nums = new int[ num_item ];
for ( int i = 0; i < num_item; i++ )
Console.Write( "Item " + i + ": " );
nums[ i ] = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine( ) );
qsort( nums );
foreach ( int num in nums )
Console.Write( num.ToString( ) + " " );
Console.WriteLine( "" );
nums = reverse( nums );
foreach ( int num in nums )
Console.Write( num.ToString( ) + " " );
Console.WriteLine( "" );
Console.WriteLine( "Press esc to exit." );
while ( !keyPressHandler( Console.ReadKey( true ) ) )
Thread.Sleep( 250 );
/* no op */
static void swap<T>( ref T lhs, ref T rhs )
T temp;
temp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = temp;
static void qsort( int[ ] nums )
qs( nums, 0, nums.Length - 1 );
static void qs( int[ ] items, int left, int right )
int i, j;
int x;
i = left;
j = right;
x = items[ ( left + right ) / 2 ];
while ( ( items[ i ] < x ) && ( i < right ) )
while ( ( x < items[ j ] ) && ( j > left ) )
if ( i <= j )
swap<int>( ref items[ i ], ref items[ j ] );
} while ( i <= j );
if ( left < j )
qs( items, left, j );
if ( i < right )
qs( items, i, right );
static int[ ] reverse( int[ ] items )
int[ ] reversed = new int[ items.Length ];
int j = 0;
for ( int i = items.Length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
reversed[ j ] = items[ i ];
return reversed;
protected static Boolean keyPressHandler( ConsoleKeyInfo input )
if ( input.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape )
return true;
return false;
posted by dharh 1:40 AM Nov 29th, 2009
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