My material comes from a wide variety of sources. Anywhere from George Carlin, Albert Einstein, to Dan Simmons, or Stephen R. Donaldson.

Philosophy - What It Is

An address Ayn Rand gave to the graduating class of the United States Military Academy at West Point on March 6, 1974.

Rand, Ayn. Philosophy: Who needs it. New York: New American Library, 1984.

posted by dharh 4:29 PM Oct 4th, 2006

Vinod Khosla believes that the road to energy independence starts in a cornfield in Nebraska. Wired has the article here.

posted by dharh 7:37 AM Oct 3rd, 2006

Last Updated 2009-08-14


  • backend
  • Counts clicks on links, orders links by click
  • New UI. Looks more like idt


  • newLink() now takes category, name, and URL instead of just category and link


  • Fixed position error with [more...] menu


  • Now every link is added through the newLink() function


  • Created newLink() function which can take category and link
  • Create displayLinks() function which will display all links added via newLink()
  • You can set a max initial display for number of links per category
  • It can dynamicaly handle additional links


  • The additional links displayed from [more] are now handled through an array list


  • Added javascript to handle too many links to be displayed, popup from [more...] displays additional the links


  • UI now looks like XP window


  • Links in categories, in a line


  • Created very simple massive link display page by category

posted by dharh 11:50 PM Oct 2nd, 2006

I've updated the wiki code a bit tonight. I've added wiki link markup for regular and links to articles in the system.

Also sparce v3.0 has been moved into RC1 along with a UI change. It now counts how many times you have clicked on a link and orders the links by how many clicks they have received.

posted by dharh 11:43 PM Oct 2nd, 2006

Code examples of manipulating an array of pointers. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXLIST 10 struct ipList { int id; char *name; char *ip; }; struct ipList **getList( void ); void printList( struct ipList **list ); int main( void ) { struct ipList **theList; theList = getList( ); printList( theList ); return 0; } struct ipList **getList( void ) { struct ipList **list; int i; list = malloc( MAXLIST * sizeof( struct ipList * ) ); i = 0; while ( i < MAXLIST ) { list[ i ] = malloc( sizeof( struct ipList ) ); list[ i ]->id = i; list[ i ]->name = ""; list[ i ]->ip = ""; i++; } return ( list ); } void printList( struct ipList **list ) { int i = 0; while ( i < MAXLIST ) { printf( "%s - %s", ( list[ i ]->name ), ( list[ i ]->ip ) ); i++; } }

we can change the function getList slightly:

struct ipList **getList( void ) { static struct ipList *list[ MAXLIST ]; int i; //list = malloc( MAXLIST * sizeof( struct ipList * ) ); i = 0; while ( i < MAXLIST ) { list[ i ] = malloc( sizeof( struct ipList ) ); list[ i ]->id = i; list[ i ]->name = ""; list[ i ]->ip = ""; i++; } return ( list ); }

or we could have the main array created in main like this:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXLIST 10 struct ipList { int id; char name[ 35 ]; char ip[ 15 ]; }; void getList( struct ipList *list[ ] ); struct ipList *makeIP( void ); void printList( struct ipList *list[ ] ); int main( void ) { struct ipList *theList[ MAXLIST ]; getList( theList ); printList( theList ); return 0; } void getList( struct ipList *list[ ] ) { int i = 0; while ( i < MAXLIST ) { list[ i ] = makeIP( ); list[ i ]->id = i; strcpy( ( list[ i ]->name ), "" ); strcpy( ( list[ i ]->ip ), "" ); i++; } } struct ipList *makeIP( void ) { struct ipList *temp; temp = malloc( sizeof( struct ipList ) ); return ( temp ); } void printList( struct ipList *list[ ] ) { int i = 0; while ( i < MAXLIST ) { printf( "%s - %s", ( list[ i ]->name ), ( list[ i ]->ip ) ); i++; } }

posted by dharh 9:59 PM Oct 2nd, 2006

Here's a cool report from Gina Trapani over at lifehacker about Yahoo! Open Hack Day '06. It's pretty interesting. You could say Yahoo! Open Hack Day is like Google Code Jam.

posted by dharh 12:56 PM Oct 2nd, 2006

Sparce links has been updated to the lasted version. It now uses to populate its links, which pretty much now makes it a UI for All that's left to do is keeping persistant information about link to count clicks so the links can be ordered by most used.

posted by dharh 12:53 AM Oct 2nd, 2006

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