Keep It Simple Dude

In the interest of simplicity I've started work on simplifying the site. After almost two years working with the split dichotomy of article and blog posts I've come to the realization that it is stupid.

First, because this precludes the notion I've had for a while that neThing is meant to be a gateway of streams, where multiple sources, including the stuff generated from the site itself, feed the postMonster (the backend that handles these things).

Two, because its too complicated. What makes a blog post different than an article post? In reality nothing except a few bits than can be more than handled with a checkbox or two when creating a post.

So, now all posts are posts. They are still identified by where they originated from, such as Twitter, but otherwise blog posts are now fully converted into articles. Which means they have wiki discussion pages and histories. As far as the wiki bot is concerned it is an article and thus can be linked as such by name. Conflicts will arise and thus it will behoove me, and anyone else using neThing in the future, to mark master posts when multiple of them have the same name. The other posts would then use their POSTID as their permalink.

Also notice that the left slider menu is gone. Replaced by two much simpler archive boxes on the right side above the twitter panel. There is also an Archive page that can be accessed using the IDT logo menu up top. The first archive box is simple, it displays years, and then gives links to the months that had posts. The second archive box is a cloud of most tags.

That's all for now.

posted by dharh 5:16 PM Dec 2nd, 2009

2024: 11 1
2023: 4 2 1
2022: 5 3
2011: 5 3 1
2010: 12 9 7 1
2009: 12 11 8 5
2008: 12 5 4 3 2 1
2007: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2006: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2005: 12 10 7 6
2004: 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1