I'd be angry too if I thought we could do better.

posted by dharh 2:15 PM Oct 16th, 2007

I know, I know. I have enough projects already and I never seem to get any of them done... But I just can't help myself. Since I got done with most of the wiki parsing stuff a while ago I got to thinking about applying that to do transcript statistics.

A couple years ago there was a website (probably still exists, I'll look for it in my bookmarks later) that did a really good job of doing comparisons for State of the Union Addresses and comparing them. You could take a word, like Terrorism or Iraq or whatever phrase you wanted and compare how many times they show up in a speech and compare these with multiple transcripts.

I think that might be a cool thing to try.

posted by dharh 4:41 PM Oct 2nd, 2007

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