I am almost done with the first version of online neTodo. There is a demo login people can use to test it out just go here and login with demo/demo for login and password. As soon as I finish all the rest of the items on my list for neTodo I'll release it everyone to register to.

posted by dharh 4:43 PM Jul 23rd, 2007

I added a new menu item under the logo called Link Blog which is a list of items I've marked as shared through google reader. It's a glimpse into some of the stuff I end up posting here and alot of stuff I don't.

In other news I've been mulling over how I want to approach posting more content to the site as most of it has ended up being political in nature or about the environment. This is in fact only a small portion of my daily life, where I actually spend most of my time programming, reading, and philosophizing.

I have never been good at organizing my self. For all my endeavors into doing so (book cases, file cabinets, plastic bins, cork board, etc), it has all amounted to organized chaos. Much like how this site came to be in the first place, where it is an attempt to bring a little order to my own chaotic mind, so I can have some semblance of backing up my otherwise intractable thoughts.

Hopefully I will do better.

posted by dharh 3:25 PM Jul 11th, 2007

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